Wednesday, August 18, 2010

10 Years Time

1. I hope to be only happy with my life and the lives around me.
2. I hope to be in the middle of a career that I love doing.
3. I hope the world will see me as the happy, family-oriented, published, dreamer.

These are only three short hopes of mine but there is such an infinate possiblity. Another quote form that beautiful song:
"I wrote on a blank piece of paper what it would be like in the future
But no one really knows the truth,
If I were from the future, I’d tell my present self,
“Change your hard work into confidence and trying until you reach that goal”"

One day I hope that whatever goals I have reached are the ones that make me, and the people around me, HAPPY!

Carl Jung

"The energy of the central point is manifested in the almost irrestible compulsion and urge to become what one is, just as every organism is driven to assume the form that is characteristic of its nature, no matter what the circumstances."
This quote was in our task sheet so I probably didn't need to right it down, but it just soounds so nice and truthful that I wanted it to last longer.
I agree with this quote in so many ways, when you think about it, it makes you feel as if there is something out there waiting for you to BE it, but one can never these things as another beautiful songs mentions:
"Just keep drawing your life, there’s no need for an eraser,
You just need one single goal,
We worry, we wonder, we second-guess ourselves,
There’s no one right answer, so keep pushing forward and look for yours."
All of these things are true so all that's left to wonder about is when it hits you in the face will you be able to tell? Or will it just feel unconsciously right? Only time can tell, but time never will.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Carl Sagan

"An image of how small we are." Everytime I learn something new about the universe it amazes just as much as all the other times, everybody has a different view, a different perspective, and the scariest thing is that there is just sooooo much out there that every one of these points is most likely true. The pictures taken by the Hubble are beautiful, and it's so amazing to think that they really were taken of patches of space that look empty to our eyes, it just adds to the knowledge of how massive the universe is and how tiny and insignifigant we are. Something that it really makes me think about though, especiallly the last video, is the fact that so many people can look at these things and think it's possible that one single entity could have ever created it. However I don't even know what to think on that topic because it raises all the iimpoosibly annoying questions like "How did the big bang happe?" "What was here before?" "If God didn't create the universe then who did?" (That last one in particular is annoying because people don't seem to wonder where that god must have come from in the first place.)


That video waas absolutely terrifying! The universe put into that perspective is just so impossibly unimaginable, thinking about it just makes my head hurt. I new the universe had no end, that we know of, but seeing the whole thing just smashed in front of your face like that is just amazing. The music was so beautiful, it described the feeling of loneliness and adventure and impossible things all at once. The inmage3s were amazing, the stars and galaxies being created, it shows just how infinently unsignifigant Earth and humans are in reality or whatever is beyond reality. Even if our race progressed to a 'space stage' and could travel at a million times the speed of light we would still never be able to explore that endless universe. It does raise one sad question though, if there was the slightest, tiniest, miniscule possiblitly that we were, or are, the first type of 'intelligent' life to evolve, then just thinking about that lonliness is enough to make anyone cry.

Edge of the Universe

I think I would have to agree with the expanding universe model, the universe is simply immpossible to imagine, for me at least, and I can think of absolutely no way to represent it in any mental or physical form. So little is known and so little is seen of the universe, the possibilities are endless. I would never be able to get my head around it if the 'edge of the universe' was 'discovered'. What could the edge possibly be? How could it be a solid object, like a wall? That would be imppossible because then that wall would have to be created by something. How could it be simply nothingness? Just an endless black? Because nothingness in itself is not nothing, it still exists. Therefore I conclude that the only thing that could mark the end of the universe is some sort of spiritual realm, for nothing else makes sense.

Chicken or Egg?

I believe the chicken came first, due to particular circumstances such as a change in the environment or a new substance in the 'chickens' make-up, the egg was an evolution. The birds body needed to create a safer way or simply a different way to produce its youn, so it evolved the hard shell to hold its young untill they reached maturity.