Friday, August 6, 2010


That video waas absolutely terrifying! The universe put into that perspective is just so impossibly unimaginable, thinking about it just makes my head hurt. I new the universe had no end, that we know of, but seeing the whole thing just smashed in front of your face like that is just amazing. The music was so beautiful, it described the feeling of loneliness and adventure and impossible things all at once. The inmage3s were amazing, the stars and galaxies being created, it shows just how infinently unsignifigant Earth and humans are in reality or whatever is beyond reality. Even if our race progressed to a 'space stage' and could travel at a million times the speed of light we would still never be able to explore that endless universe. It does raise one sad question though, if there was the slightest, tiniest, miniscule possiblitly that we were, or are, the first type of 'intelligent' life to evolve, then just thinking about that lonliness is enough to make anyone cry.

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